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Welcome to MS Tim: Your friend trough life with multiple sclerosis!

Are you living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)? MS Tim is here to make your journey with this chronic condition more manageable and informed. Discover how our app can empower you to take control of your health and well-being.
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Why choose MS Tim?


Take charge of your health by actively monitoring your symptoms and appointments.


Simplify your life with our user-friendly calendar and medication reminders.


Stay up-to-date with the latest news and insights on MS.

Data driven care

Visualize your health progress for better-informed decisions with your healthcare provider.

Track your symptoms with Check-in

Track your symptoms with Check-in

Easily log your daily symptoms with our Check-In feature. Customize your symptom list and add personal notes. Gain valuable insights into your condition's progression over time.

Stay Organized with the Calendar

Stay Organized with the Calendar

Never miss an appointment or medication dose again. Our intuitive calendar allows you to schedule doctor's appointments, medication reminders, and more, all in one place.

Access informative resources

Access informative resources

Stay informed and connected with our curated news articles and blogs related to Multiple Sclerosis. Knowledge is power, and we provide the resources to help you understand and manage your condition better.

Visualize your progress

Visualize your progress

Watch your journey unfold with visual statistics generated from your Check-In data. Export detailed reports in PDF format to share with your healthcare provider for more effective communication and treatment planning.

Download MS Tim Now and Take Control of Your MS Journey!

Download MS Tim Now and Take Control of Your MS Journey!

Join the MS Tim community today and experience the benefits of having a dedicated MS companion right in your pocket. Together, we can navigate the challenges of Multiple Sclerosis with confidence and support.

Get it on Google PlayDownload on the App Store

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Lloyds digital